Saturday, August 20, 2011

Venezuela from the Savannah

Venezuela from the Savannah
Evidence that our education is making us chupid

If 8 out of 10, fat-burning, middle-class, fitness fanatics pounding the Savannah walkway didn’t know what it was, we can deduce that we don’t know our fat asses from our chunky elbow.
And I wasn’t showing them a picture printout like this one, I was pointing right at it – right there in plain sight. Look close - look good at that mountain in the background - behind the tower. That's venezuela - from the Queen's Park Savannah.

Chances are you too didn’t know it was Venezuela either.

What the hell else don’t we know about ourselves and the world around and in us here in T&T? What the hell else we're not teaching ourselves about ourselves?

In Naked Press we’ll be exploring other questions and ideas in our systems of self-imposed ignorance to try to get closer to the naked truth about who, what, why, how and where we are in sweet T&T.